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The graffiti magazine Stains Magazine celebrates 5 years and 10 issues and just as previous releases, they keep it ‘Strictly Swedish biz’.
The content consists of mixed walls, freight trains, spraycations, Swedish trains as well as commuter trains and subways from Stockholm. Issue 10 of course also contains special features, this time with Wtass [RTS K432 FJU] – also known as the Swedish meme king @tassensmemes, west coast-based LiL crew offers fresh analog cut-and-paste collage, FUE crew from Stockholm offers on 100% trains and technically skilled Dekis [MOAS TWC] offers burners on both walls and trains.
As if this weren’t enough, the 10:th issue has been expanded to 100(!) pages, with four surprise mini features hidden inside AND the cover is designed together with one of Sweden’s biggest names right now – Triss [BST NFC GG]. If you prefer Swedish, contemporary graffiti, you should definitely not miss Stains Magazine.