Hello My Name Is: Pout

Name: Pout Spencer
Crew: Cops/ DrunkenHeroes
City/Country: a small city between Düsseldorf and Cologne.
When did you start writing? First try in 1993, seriously there since 1998.
What’s graffiti for you?
It is the compensation to the everyday working life for me, to meet new and old friends. To do what i love and to be creative.
My environment, family and friends.
Tell us about your city, how is life and graffiti there?
Life here is really nice but there is no real graff scene as now in Düsseldorf or cologne. Only a hand full wannabes who’s stuff i don’t like.
What keeps you still writing?
The passion to do what i love.
What first made you interested in graffiti and how did you end up on that track?
My first contact with graffiti was in school 1993. I liked it and also tried It but at the time it was more important for me to make party with friends. I made a break and after five years, i tried it again. So here i am!
What trends are you seeing now in the graffiti world that you don’t like?
Since graffiti through the internet has become more popular it is reminded more and more in my eyes. The cmd+c – cmd+v mentality is increasing and the threshold is dropped for those who see graffiti only as a mean to purpose. The positive side is that you can meet people faster who share your passion.
What do you do when you’re not painting?
Go work or hang around with my family and friends and have also a good time together.
How would you describe your style?
It’s a simpel mix of letters paired with graphical elements and a little bit of architecture.
Can you remember the first piece you did?
Yes, very good. But it was to bad to talk about it.
Future plans?
Not really, only healthy and not to lose the pleasure on graffiti. The thing i love to do.
Do you adapt your pieces and tags to the spot/surface?
That’s it, what makes me the most fun to do my style. Playing with the underground/surface or spot is the best you can do and it makes the hole thing only interesting. I live for this.
What do you do when you’re not painting?
The same as five questions before (smile).
What do you think about the new generation of writers in your city?
Unfortunately nothing useful sprout here from the ground worth to talk over it.
What are the best and worst aspects of graffiti?
The best thing is that you can meet a lot of cool new and old people or friends. Travel around the world to do what you like together with others. The worst of graff is the disrespect among themselves, especially at the new generation of writers.
Who do you paint for?
Only for myself
What writers have inspired you?
The local writers like Shaic, Grausam, Crem or Golem that have shaped the city image at the time when i started. And my crew mates.
Can you ever feel tired of graffiti?
Maybe, but i hope not. No I don’t think so, not in this lifetime!
What do you hope people will think and feel when they see your stuff?
I hope that they see how much i enjoy it to do what i love. What they think about it dosen’t really matter to me because i do it for my own.
Spray Paint: Montana gold/Black
City: Düsseldorf/Cologne
Markers/pens: everyone that works…
Surface: Concrete, steel and wood
Cap: Sprotzel-cap (selfmade)
Instagram: @pout_spencer