The Rise of Graffiti Writing – From New York To Europe (5/10) The Amsterdam Gallerist | 1982 – 1985

Mickey, the first European sprayer, leads us to Yaki Kornblit. At the beginning of the 80s, the art collector went to New York, where he fell in love with the works of Futura2000, Dondi, Seen and Co. From 1983 he exhibits her in Amsterdam and makes graffiti socially acceptable. At the same time, the New York style writing mixes with the punk-heavy tagging style of the Amsterdam school. Tell first-hand writers like DELTA and SHOE. In ten episodes, the documentary series traces the rise of the graffiti movement: from New York in the 1970s to Amsterdam and Paris to Munich, from where the graffiti virus infected Europe from the 1980s onwards.

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