Hello My Name Is: Jason72

Name: JASON72
Crew: Intergalactic, Cosmic Ghetto
City/country: Regensburg/Germany
When did you start writing? Around 2001.

Whats graffiti for you?
Having a good time.

Everything around me. When it comes to style, mainly my crew mates and classic material from the 70’s.

Tell us about your city, how is life and graffiti there?
Regensburg is an old traditional city with a long history. It has an active scene but you can not compare it in any way with strongholds like berlin or hamburg.

What first made you interested in graffiti and how did you end up on the track?
On my way to school i saw alot of pieces and i was fascinated from the beginning. I knew i want to do that.

How would you describe your style?
Quite primitive, funny, very simple

Can you remember the first piece you did?
Yes, i did it together with a classmate. we did it after school before we went skateboarding. unfortunately i don’t have a photo.

Do you adapt your pieces and tags to the spot /surface?

Who do you paint for?
For me.

Can you ever feel tired of graffiti?
Well, i don’t know.

What do you hope people will think and feel when they see your stuff?
Maybe they like it, maybe they don’t. I try not to think about that to much.

Spray Paint: No favorite
City: Praha
Markers/pens: No favorite
Surface: Virgin brick wall
Cap: Standard and Fat

Instagram: @Jason.parker.72
Tumblr: Nifyoudontknownowyouknow.tumblr.com

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