Categories: Graffiti, Trains & Subways
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Tyme & Reds Feat. X60
Tyme and Reds, two graffiti writers from Sweden painting a Stockholm X60 commuter train, check it out!
Blått Stål (Blue Steel) – The history of the Stockholm commuter train
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Tyme, Reds & Seksie Feat. X10
Dope 3 minute video featuring Tyme, Reds & Seksie who paints the old Stockholm X10 commuter train that is now gone, check it out! Published by:
Blått Stål (Blue Steel) – A book about the old blue Stockholm commuter
Blue Steel is a unique chronological story about the graffiti culture around the Stockholm commuter. For three decades graffiti writers have been painting thees steel…
Reds, Seksie, Erse & Bates Feat. X60
Reds, Seksie, Erse & Bates painting some super fresh panels on the Stockholm commuter train 2018.