Limitless – Behind the scenes


“Infinite” had some success; it was really well received within the graffiti community but didn’t go much further. Sofles and I wanted to make another video, with bigger and better artwork and higher production value. We brought some more artists on board, Fintan Magee who is making quite a name for himself both as a gallery artist and a street artist, and Treas and Quench from a more traditional graffiti background. Our aim was simply to showcase the artists’ work. I have been documenting graffiti for several years now and when we discovered the hyper lapse technique it really clicked with the content, we found it communicated the magic of graffiti so much more effectively than traditional video. I think it’s one thing to watch paint being applied to a surface, but this allowed us to show people the complex process of layering that goes into the work. I was very surprised to see some people baffled as to how I achieved the smooth camera motion, there’s so many amazing hyperlapse videos around and we weren’t the first to use this technique. It’s incredibly simple technically, and is more of a physical challenge of endurance than anything. Read the whole interview on and watch the Limitless video over here

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