Hello My Name Is: Zarim

Name: Zarim
Crew: LKS & RUA
City/Country: Chiangmai ,Thailand
When did you start writing? 2009

What’s graffiti for you?
Art on wall and I happy to do that. Is not about money. I just want people to see my art work.

Tell us about your city, how is life and graffiti there?
Chiangmai, Thailand. There is a lot of things to do here. We have beautiful temple, Mountain a round city in night time. We also have many places for hang out. Here we have about 10-20 of local graffiti writer but always have graffiti writer from other city come to visit.

What keeps you still writing?
Because I happy to see people walking on the street and they see my piece and also I like to meet writer from around the world when they come to visit our city I always bring them to paint it means that I always have new friends.

What do you do when you’re not painting?
I like to go party with my crew and looking for a new spots to paint.

How would you describe your style?
My style is latter with many colors and some characters.

Can you remember the first piece you did?
Yes, I think a lot of graffiti writer do the same thing like me. My first piece was on my house wall.

Future plans?
Graffiti artist, Graphic design.

Do you adapt your pieces and tags to the spot/surface?
Yes, almost every time when I go to paint I need to think about spot and make a sketch to mix with spot.

What do you think about the new generation of writers in your city?
I want new generation try to create something new with graffiti.

What are the best and worst aspects of graffiti?
Best things I, always meet new friends. We go out to paint and after that we just make crazy party night, what I don’t like. Is they fighting because some graffiti writer paint over another graffiti writer.

Who do you paint for?
Every time when I go out to paint. I am happy and I feel more happy when I see people like my piece.

What writers have inspired you?
A lot of them but my favourite one is 1UP and MSK Crew.

Can you ever feel tired of graffiti?
Some time I tired but this is my favourite. I can paint every day i’m happy to do that.

What do you hope people will think and feel when they see your stuff?
Impressive, Inspiration to go paint.

Spray Paint:
City: Chiangmai
Markers/pens: Pentel, Touch Markers, Uni Paint
Surface: Everything
Cap: Ny fat, ghetto blaster caps and everything

Instagram: @Zarim_street
Tumblr: zarimstreet.tumblr.com

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